Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon (ESK)
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Eesti Geoloogia Selts

Stratigraphic terminology

This is a brief glossary of general stratigraphic terms as well as names of global and regional stratigraphic units.

Currently this glossary is not complete and provided in Estonian only. An English version may follow; before then, please direct your questions to the members of the Estonian Commission on Stratigraphy (ESK).

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Otsi terminit, indeksit või üksuse ID koodi: (pimeotsinguks *):

Joa kihistik

ingl. k. Joa Member

Tüüp ja taseregionaalne litostratigraafia (kihistik)
AutorMännil (1958)
Nime päritoluJoa, waterfall (E)
Esmane lokaliteet/piirkondJägala-joa waterfall
KuulubLeetse kihistu
Suhteline vanusHunnebergi lade
eMaapõu ID212


holostratotüüp: Jägala juga ( m) | Hints, L. et al., 1993a | .


Hints, L., Meidla, T., Gailite, L. I., Sarv, L. 1993. Католог стратонов и стратотипов ордовика Эстонии и Латвии [Catalogue of Ordovician Stratigraphical Units and Stratotypes of Estonia and Latvia]. Estonian Acadamy of Sciences, Tallinn. p. 1-62. PDF

Mägi, S. 1990. Locality 1:4. Mäekalda road excavation. Field Meeting Estonia 1990. An Excursion Guidebook. Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn. p. 124-127.

Mägi, S. 1990. Locality 4:2. Ontika Clint. Field Meeting Estonia 1990. An Excursion Guidebook. Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn. p. 148-153.

Mägi, S. 1984. Характеристика страротипа онтикаской подсерии [A characterization of the type sections of the Ontika Subseries]. p. 104-112. PDF

Mägi, S., Viira, V. 1976. Распространение конодонтов и беззамковых брахиопод в цератопигевом и латорпском горизонтах Северной Эстонии [On distribution of conodonts and inarticulate brachiopods in Ceratopyge and Latorpian Stages]. p. 312-318. PDF

Mägi, S. 1970. Отложения онтикаского яруса Средней и Западной Эстонии [The Ontican Rocks in Central and West Estonia]. p. 141-146. PDF

Aaloe, Ago., Mark, E., Männil, Ralf, Müürisepp, K., Orviku, K. 1958. Обзор стратиграфии палеозойских и четвертичных отложений Эстонской ССР [Obzor stratigrafii paleozojskih i četvertičnyh otloženij Èstonskoj SSR]. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn. p. 1-46.

Männil, Ralf, Orviku, K., Rähni, E. 1958. Путеводитель геологической экскурсии научной сессии, посвященной 50-й годовщине со дня смерти акад. Ф. Б. Шмидта [Geological excursion guidebook of the scientific session, dedicated to the 50th year of death of academician F. Schmidt]. Geological excursion guidebook of the scientific session, dedicated to the 50th year of death of academician F. Schmidt. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn. p. 1-40. PDF

Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon 2006-2024.
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