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XI Baltic Stratigraphical Conference

Scientific Sessions and mid-conference field trip: August 19–21, 2024 | Tartu and Arbavere, Estonia
Field Trip: August 22–25, 2024 | Estonia

The 11th Baltic Stratigraphical Conference took place in Estonia in August 2024. The scientific sessions in Tartu and Arbavere Research Centre were complemented by geological excursions to central, northern and western Estonia. Like in the case of previous Baltic stratigraphical conferences, this meeting was not restricted to stratigraphy, but contributions on a broad range of regionally relevant geological topics were presented.

The initial plan and conference venue were slightly changed on the basis of registered participants. Instead of two days of scientific sessions in Tartu, we had one day of sessions in Tartu and one day at the completely rebuilt Arbavere Research Center and core repository of the Geological Survey of Estonia.

Conference Volume Group Photo

Important dates

June 1, 2024Deadline for regular registration, payment, abstracts and short papers
August 18, 2024Arrival to Tartu
August 19–21, 2024Scientific Sessions in Tartu and Arbavere, mid-conference field trip, and conference dinner
August 22–25, 2024Field trip to central, western and northern Estonia, with focus on Ordovician-Silurian carbonate deposition;
starts from Tartu, ends in Tallinn
August 25–26, 2024Departures from Tallinn

Detailed schedule

August 18
Arrival to Tartu, Registration and Icebreaker
  • Location and time: Chemicum, Ravila 14A, Tartu, registration desk is open from 15.00, Ice-Breaker starts 18.00
  • Accommodation: in Tartu, to be arranged personally
August 19
Conference in Tartu
  • Location: Chemicum, Ravila 14A, Tartu
  • Accommodation: in Tartu, to be arranged personally
August 20
Mid-conference field trip
  • Departure: from Tartu;
  • Activities: Visiting outcrops in central and NE Estonia, Conference Dinner in the evening at Tulivee restaurant;
  • Accommodation: in Arbavere Puhkekeskus (included in the conference fee)
August 21
Conference and workshop in Arbavere
  • Location: Arbavere Research Centre and Drill Core Repository
  • Departures: to Tallinn and Tartu in the evening
  • Accommodation: to be arranged personally for those not attending post-conference excursion; participants of the post-conference excursion have accommodation booked in Tallinn (in Academic Hostel, included in the excursion fee);
August 22
Post-conference field trip
  • Departure: from Tallinn (at 8.00);
  • Focus: outcrops in northern and western Estonia;
  • Accommodation: University of Tartu Field station in Laelatu, near Virtsu, W Estonia
August 23
Post-conference field trip
  • Focus: outcrops on Saaremaa Island
  • Accommodation: in Kuressaare
August 24
Post-conference field trip
  • Focus: outcrops on Saaremaa Island
  • Accommodation: in Kuressaare
August 25
Post-conference field trip
  • Focus: outcrops in central Estonia
  • Expected time of arrival: 16.00 Tallinn, 18.30 Tartu.
  • Accommodation: to be organised personally

Registration and fees

The regular registration was closed on June 1, 2024. Fot late registration, please fill the REGISTRATION FORM as soon as possible and contact the organisers for payment of the late conference fee.

Late Conference Fee250 €
Conference Dinner60 €

The conference fee covers conference bag, lunches, coffee breaks, refreshments and the mid-conference field trip. It does not cover conference dinner. Excursion fee covers transport, accommodation (4 nights), breakfasts and lunches, and excursion guidebook.

Cancellation and refunding of fees is possible until June 15, 2024.

Conference venue

The conference will start in Tartu, the academic capital of Estonia. In 2024, Tartu is also the European Capital of Culture.

The first day of scientific sessions will be hosted in the University of Tartu Chemicum Building, Ravila 14a, Tartu. This will be followed by a mid-conference excursion ending in Arbavere, North Estonia. The second day of the sessions, August 21, will be held at the Arbavere Research Center and core repository (map location).

Scientific Programme

Scientific Programme (pdf)


Oral presentations are scheduled for 20 minutes, please save time for a few questions (~17+3 min). Presentation files should be in MS PowerPoint or pdf format.

Please send your presentation to or share the file with the organisers: Alternatively, the presentation file can be uploaded during the registration on August 18 or before the sessions on August 19.

Poster presentations should be prepared in standard A0 size (portrait). The organisers provide means for hanging the posters. NB! The corresponding authors of poster presentations are asked to introduce their work in 2 minutes during the poster session.

Field trips

The conference includes a short mid-conference field trip in southern Estonia (Silurian, Devonian, Quaternary) on August 20, 2024.

The four-days post-conference trip will take participants from Tartu, across central Estonia, to Saaremaa Island and then to North Estonia, ending in Tallinn. The excursion fee includes accommodation for 4 nights, breakfasts and lunches, transportation and field guide.

Ordovician-Silurian boundary beds in the Reinu quarry
Ordovician-Silurian boundary beds in the Reinu quarry, central Estonia, is among the localities to be visited.

The localities to be visited during the mid- and post conference field trips:


One-page abstracts will be published in the conference volume. Download the abstract template and submit your contribution by e-mail to:

In addition, manuscripts of short papers (4-8 printed pages) may be submitted for a thematic volume in the Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, to be published in the December issue of the journal. The deadline for both abstracts and papers is June 1, 2024.

Social events

Ice-breaker will take place on August 18, 2024, in the conference venue, Chemicum Building (Ravila 14A, Tartu).

Conference Dinner will be on August 20, 2024, after the mid-conference field trip in N Estonia at Tulivee restaurant. Note that the dinner will be for an additional fee.

European Capital of Culture 2024

European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 brings over 1000 events to individuals of all ages. The year-long programme in Tartu and Southern Estonia presents the story of the Arts of Survival – the knowledge, skills, and values that will help us lead a good life in the future. As a community, we want to share this information while also learning from others. Inspired by culture, we build a better tomorrow.

There are a number of activites and events going on in Tartu in August, during the time of our conference. Please check the programme and other information on the Tartu 2024 website.

Travel and accommodation

Tartu can be easily reached by car, bus or train. Those arriving by plain to Tallinn or Riga would take a bus to Tartu. For international bus lines check, domestic bus tickets can be booked online at

Booking accommodation in Tartu (and in Tallinn after the field excursion if needed) is the responsibility of the participants. A selection of hotels in the city centre: Dorpat, Lydia, Antonius, Barclay. Budget accommodation is arranged in Tartu Downtown Hostel for two nights, from August 18-19, 2024. Price per double room (without breakfast): 30€ (single occupancy) / 35€ (double occupancy). Booking at, using the keyword "11BSC". NB! The number of pre-booked rooms is limited. Please note that due to the change in conference venue, the participants will stay in Tartu for two nights, August 18 and 19. Accommodation for August 20 is booked by the organisers in Arbavere, North Estonia, and this is covered by the conference fee.

Those not attending the post-conference excursion should arrange their accommodation for August 21 individually either in Tallinn or Tartu. For participants of the post-conference excursion, accommodation for August 21 is booked in Tallinn (double rooms in Academic Hostel; included in the excursion fee). The post-conference excursion ends in Tallinn on August 25, but a minibus will take people to Tartu as well; accommodation for August 25 in Tallinn or Tartu should be arranged individually.

Studying geological collections

The geological collections hosted at the Natural History Museum, University of Tartu, can be visited during your stay in Tartu. Please contact Mare Isakar ( to arrange your visit or should you have any questions.

The second conference day (August 21) will include drill core demonstrations and a workshop at the Arbavere Research Center of the Geological Survey of Estonia. If you are interested taking samples from the cores, permission needs to be asked in advance. Please contact Tavo Ani for details (

Collections can also be studied at the Department of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology, and the Estonian Museum of Natural History. Please discuss the options with Ursula Toom ( and Karin Truuver (, respectively.

Organisers and supporters

Organising Committee

