Estonian Commission on Stratigraphy
Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon (ESK)
[EST] [ENG] |
ESK » Stratigraphic terminologyThis is a brief glossary of general stratigraphic terms as well as names of global and regional stratigraphic units. Currently this glossary is not complete and provided in Estonian only. An English version may follow; before then, please direct your questions to the members of the Estonian Commission on Stratigraphy (ESK). Karinu kihistikingl. k. Karinu Member
Stratotüübidholostratotüüp: Karinu karjäär ( m) | Nestor, H. & Kala, 1968 | . ViitedKaljo, D., Nestor, H. (eds) 1990. Field Meeting Estonia 1990. An Excursion Guidebook. Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn. p. 1-209. PDF Kaljo, D., Mustjõgi, E., Zekcer, I. (eds) 1984. International Geological Congress. XXVII Session. Estonian S.S.R. Excursions: 027 Hydrogeology of the Baltic; 028 Geology and mineral deposits of Lower Palaeozoic of the Eastern Baltic area. Guidebook. p. 1-72. PDF Nestor, H., Kala, E. 1968. Ревизия стратиграфии низов силура Северной Прибалтики [A stratigraphic revision of the lowermost Silurian in the northern East-Baltic area]. Стратиграфиия нижнего палеозоя Прибалтики и корреляция с другими регионами [Stratigraphy of the Baltic Lower Paleozoic and its correlation with other areas]. Mintis, Vilnius. p. 188-214. Rosenstein, E. 1940. Raikküla lade Tamsalu - Paide vahelisel alal. p. 94-102. |
Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon 2006-2024. Siin lehel leiduvad materjalid on kõigile vabaks kasutamiseks vastavalt Creative Commons CC-BY litsentsile |