Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon (ESK)
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Eesti Geoloogia Selts


10. BSK, Chęciny, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, 2017


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The Baltic Stratigraphic Association (BSA) unites Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and NW Russian stratigraphic commissions. Every three years the BSA organizes international conferences focused on various aspects of regional geology and stratigraphy. So far, nine meetings have taken place since 1991, in Tallinn (1991, 1996, 2008), Vilnius (1993, 2002, 2014), Riga (1999, 2011) and St. Petersburg (2005). This year, the Polish Geological Society has officially asked for membership in the BSA, which is being evaluated at the moment. On account of this procedure, we have accepted the honour to organize the 10th jubilee conference of the association.

It is our pleasure to announce that the 10th Baltic Stratigraphic Conference will take place in the Holy Cross Mountains in Poland, in the premises of the European Centre for Geological Education (ECGE), owned by the University of Warsaw and located in the old quarry on Rzepka Hill near the historical town of Chęciny. Our meeting, held in the heart of present day Europe and geologically on the margin of the East European Craton should enhance scientific discussions and be an opportunity for exchange of views between experienced scientists, young researchers and students. We will be very pleased to host you between September 12th and 14th 2017. Additionally, we offer the participation in pre- and/or post-conference excursions into the geology of the area.

All contributions related to geology and stratigraphy of the ‘widely understood’ Baltic region are most welcome. Depending on the interest and the number of participants, we will have one or two parallel sessions, a poster session, and a key-lecture on the geology of the Holy Cross Mountains. The topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Regional stratigraphic schemes, correlation and stratotypes
  • Regional aspects of the international timescale
  • Biostratigraphy, palaeontology and biodiversification
  • Sequence stratigraphy
  • Isotope stratigraphy
  • Event stratigraphy
  • Palaeoenvironments, palaeogeography and climates
  • Crucial issues of Cambrian to Devonian geology in the Baltic area
  • Geotouristic potential of the circum-Baltic countries
Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon 2006-2024.
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