Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon (ESK)
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Eesti Geoloogia Selts

Baltic Stratigraphical Conferences

Baltic co-operation in the field of regional stratigraphy started already in 1969 when the Baltic Regional Stratigraphical Commission (BRSC) was founded. In 1970–1980s, many meetings, workshops and field excursions were organized. BRSC played an important role in promoting stratigraphical research in the former Soviet Union and contributing to the development of stratigraphical schemes used for geologic mapping in the Baltic region and NW Russia.

In 16 October 1990, owing to increased independence of the Baltic States, the BRSC was reformed into a less formal organization — the Baltic Stratigraphical Association (BSA), which unites the national stratigraphical commissions. The regional stratigraphical commission of NW Russia also joined BSA in 2003.

One of the main activities of BSA has been organizing regular scientific conferences devoted to regional geology and stratigraphy. Until now eight conferences have been held:

1991 - Tallinn / 1976 - Vilnius
1993 - Vilnius
1996 - Tallinn (High-resolution biostratigraphy and Baltic regional stratigraphy)
1999 - Jurmala (Problems and methods of modern regional stratigraphy)
2002 - Vilnius (Basin stratigraphy - modern methods and problems)
2005 - St. Petersburg
2008 - Tallinn
2011 - Riga
2014 - Vilnius

2017 - Chęciny, Poland

2024 - Tartu, Estonia

Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon 2006-2024.
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