Estonian Commission on Stratigraphy
Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon (ESK)
[EST] [ENG] ![]() |
ESK » Karuküla kihistuingl. k. Karuküla Formation
KirjeldusFrom Raukas & Kajak (1997): The Karuküla Formation (interglacial) is palynologically correlated with the Butenai Stage (interglacial) in the southern Baltic, the Likhvinan Stage in the European part of Russia and the Holsteinian of Western Europe. The Karuküla type site is situated in southwestern Estonia, in the Pärnu County, about seven kilometres south of the Town of Kilingi-Nõmme (Fig. 93). It displays continental deposits and was first described by Orviku (1944). The name of the stratotype proposed by Kajak et al. (1976) is inaccurate because the section is actually situated in the Keskküla Village. Due to the rather long history of investigations and wide recognition of the site, changing of the stratotype’s name was considered unpurposeful. The Middle Pleistocene (Likhvinan, Holsteinian) age of the section was first suggested by Danilans (1966) and Voznyachuk (1966) and later established by Liivrand (1984, Velichkevich & Liivrand 1976, 1984). The information currently available on the Karuküla site has been derived through the study of about 70 boreholes and excavations. The interglacial deposits are probably of allochtonous bedding (Levkov & Liivrand 1988). There seem to be three large and two small erratics and two lumps of Holsteinian deposits within one stratigraphic level measuring 105 m horizontally and 3.25 m vertically (Liivrand 1991). The Karuküla section and its palaeobotanical characteristics have been described in detail in several publications (Liivrand 1972, 1984, 1990, 1991). Another well investigated site of the Karuküla Formation is at Kõrveküla near Tartu (Liivrand & Saarse 1983). |
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