Estonian Commission on Stratigraphy
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Östersjö (Balti) lubjakivi

ingl. k. Östersjö Limestone

Tüüp ja taselokaalne litostratigraafia ()
Suhteline vanusKeila lade
Litoloogiaafaniitse puhtad lubjakivid
LisainfoÖstersjö (Balti) lubjakivi vanuseks on Ülem-Ordoviitsium (Keila kuni Nabala lademe intervall. Baltic limestone lithologies occur stratigraphically in an interval that ranges from the Keila Regional Stage (late Sandbian Stage) towards the higher Pirgu Stage (late Katian Stage or lowermost Hirnantian).
eMaapõu ID745


Ainsaar, L., Meidla, T. 2023. Age of the Ordovician sedimentary succession in Lumparn Bay, Åland Islands, Finland. p. 118-118. PDF

Kröger, B., Penny, A., Shen, Y., Munnecke, A. 2020. Algae, calcitarchs and the Late Ordovician Baltic limestone facies of the Baltic Basin. p. .

Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon 2006-2024.
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