Estonian Commission on Stratigraphy
Eesti Stratigraafia Komisjon (ESK)
[EST] [ENG] |
ESK » Tamsalu kihistuingl. k. Tamsalu Formation
Stratotüübidholostratotüüp: Tamsalu karjäär 'Limberg' ( m) | Nestor, H., 1993a | unrepresentative. neostratotüüp: Karinu karjäär ( m) | Nestor, H., 1993a | . ViitedKaljo, D., Nestor, H. (eds) 1990. Field Meeting Estonia 1990. An Excursion Guidebook. Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn. p. 1-209. PDF Kaljo, D., Mustjõgi, E., Zekcer, I. (eds) 1984. International Geological Congress. XXVII Session. Estonian S.S.R. Excursions: 027 Hydrogeology of the Baltic; 028 Geology and mineral deposits of Lower Palaeozoic of the Eastern Baltic area. Guidebook. p. 1-72. PDF Nestor, H., Kala, E. 1968. Ревизия стратиграфии низов силура Северной Прибалтики [A stratigraphic revision of the lowermost Silurian in the northern East-Baltic area]. Стратиграфиия нижнего палеозоя Прибалтики и корреляция с другими регионами [Stratigraphy of the Baltic Lower Paleozoic and its correlation with other areas]. Mintis, Vilnius. p. 188-214. Aaloe, Ago 1958. Стратиграфия юуруского (G1) и тамсалуского (G2) горизонтов силура Эстонии [Stratigraphy of the Juuru (G1) and Tamsalu (G2) stages, Silurian, Estonia]. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused III. Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, Tallinn. p. 81-100. PDF Öpik, A., Laasi, A. 1938. Läänemaa pinnaehitus ja veed. Eesti, 8. Läänemaa. p. 4-17, 41-46. |
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